Saturday, July 24, 2004

Old or Uncool ?

Yep.  Now that I'm 26, I'm beginnng to wonder whether I'm getting old, or becoming uncool with each passing year, or the dreadful thought, which never occured to me before......whether I'm becoming both - Old & Uncool. O&U. eeeeek.

Why am I thinking this ?

It's coz last week, my cousin invited me to her b'day/graduation party.  She's turned 25 and finished with her law school. Yay for her. No problem there. I am happy for her.  I was busy socializing and mingling with everyone at the party, when I realized that the party was shifting outside. I know some people smoked, so I thought to myself that people were probably going outside for a smoke or get some air.
BUT, no that was not it. These people....guys and girls....probably everyone between the ages of 25 and 28, were smoking marijuana joints. I was kinda taken aback...shocked....and surprised. I knew my cousin smoked once a while, but I wasn't aware of the fact that she smoked joints as well. I had taken along another family friend and her sister. Now her sister is barely 19-20yrs old. This girl had smoked a 4 or 5 joints as well. 
Anyways, when I realized everyone at the party was smoking, I decided to call it an end and leave for home. I was the designated driver that night and sorta felt responsible for taking everyone home safely.
I came home and the next night got thinking. Why didn't I take a joint and smoke up as well? I dont' smoke, but a joint would have been an experience.  Was I snob or have I been brought up to always to do the right thing and not smoke...typical desi ???
I definitely felt proud of the fact that I did not. Actually come to think of it, I did not even have the slightest urge to smoke a joint and smoke up like the others.
I don't think I was being a snob, but was it old age that taught me to think maturely ? or am I just not cool enough ? Afterall, people at the party were also educated....probably held good jobs..bla bla...
hmm...guess i'm not cool after all.

My new toy !

That's right. I got myself a new toy. Well, technically it was given to me at work. I was finally given a laptop for home use. So now I've got 2 computers: one at work, which I'm going to keep for another month or two, and then there's my Laptop.

I'm loving it. :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

It's my B'day

Yea, so it's my b'day today. :)

I'm happy and sad at the same time.
I'm gratefuly to God for giving me all that I have. But at the same time, i'm sad...not coz I'm another year older. Age doesn't bother me a bit.
I am bothered by the fact that it's 11am and the only people who have wished me so far are my family. I know it's still very early, but for my friends, I remained awake till 12 midnite just so I could be one of the first to wish all the best for their b'days.
oh well.
I took a little break while writing this. Jet Li finally called at 11:30pm. I had called her earlier yesterday but she never picked up. These days, she's adopted a new style. She does not pick up her phone. I can call and leave countless messages no matter how urgent they are, but she will not pick up. She'll call back or text msg me back, only when she wants to. Ofcourse, the only explanation given is, that she was busy. I wish I would get that busy.
So today, when she called, I told her it's my day and if she's not willing to give any explanations as to what really is going on, then I'm not interested. YEA RIGHT. I wish i had the guts to say that. I'm not scared of her, but I am scared of losing my only friend. She just called me on my cell and I didn't pick up. The work phone has no caller ID, so if she calls I have to pick up. But atleast today, i'm gonna giver her a taste of her own medicine. Not pick up my cell. only if she calls atleast 1000 times....nah...10 would do. :p sure i'll break at 2.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004


I am getting a computer from work. YAY.
I HOPE they give me a laptop. I already have a desktop at home and I really really really would love to have a desktop.
I know it doesnt' matter. but its' that whole idea of owning a laptop.
i sound so bad when i say that.
i'm cheap.
but i want a laptop...that's all i wanna say :)


havent' written in a while. not that it matters, coz no one has commented yet. :(
oh well.
i think it's so hard to make true friends. I mean, you can make friends who you call once in a while and maybe even hang out together on weekends, but are they your "true" friends ? Will they be there for you when you need them the most ? Will they listen to you without offering excuses to run away ?
I do that. Not run away that is. Anytime my friend calls and she wants to complain about life, her bf, parents or school, I am there for her. I will listen to her even if she calls me in the middle of the night and I am tired and just want to go sleep. I will not hang up or tell her to call me later the next day. I get up and listen and maybe offer her advice if need be or console her or whatever I feel she would need from me.
This should be a 2-way street though. I have a lot of friends who I lend my ear too. But there is no one I can call, middle of the night, and discuss any of my problems with. I could call Jet Li but she ofcourse won't pick up. We've had countless number of arguments over why she does not pick up my phone. Everytime i get the standard answer..."i was busy". How can someone be so busy ? It only takes 5 secs to pick up the phone and say "i'm busy, call me later". Jet will not pick up and if I leave a message, she wont' call back. This goes on for days, until I get tired and finally give her a call hoping she would pick up. Even if she does, God forbid I ask for a justification, coz either I wont' get one or she will just make a joke out of the entire thing.
Think I need new friends ? I don't. I like my friends, but maybe I expect too much. I've learned to expect less, but I still want them to atleast pick up the phone or even just return my message once in while. How about calling me to come over and not cancelling the plan just before I was leaving the house ? How about making a plan to go out and sticking to it ? How about not going out and actually pretending to enjoy and not just looking at the watch or playing with your phone and making me feel as if you are doing me a favour ?
I don't know man. I just feel, with my friends, it's always a give-give-give relationship.
it sucks.